Scary stories
- Dress up: vestirse de gala o disfrazarse
- Costume: disfraz
- Candy: dulces, caramelos o golosinas
- Throw a party: dar una fiesta
- Trick or treat: truco o trato
- Contest: competencia o torneo
- Pumpkin: calabaza o ayote
- Lanterns: linterna
- Jack-o-lantern: lámpara de calabaza
- Carve: tallar o esculpir
- Candle: vela
- Spooky: espeluznante
How do Americans celebrate Halloween?
This is one of the favorite celebrations that Americans have through the year. The reason for this is that it allows people to dress up in costumes and go to fun parties and events, but the ones that enjoy Halloween the most are usually the children. They will dress up and go out with their parents to ask for candy. Trick or treating has been the main way to celebrate Halloween for everyone in the US.
Halloween is also celebrated by many adults who throw costume parties at their homes. There are also locations that hold contests for the most amazing looking costumes that come out to participate and the celebration in general is quite fun for most people, except those who are not interested having to open their door every five minutes to give candy to kids.
There are usually pumpkin pies that are made during this celebration because a lot of people make lanterns out of pumpkins and they are called “Jack-o-lanterns”. People remove the insides of the pumpkin and they carve different shapes and faces on the outside. A candle is then placed inside of the pumpkin in order to give it a spooky glow that lights up the carved figures and can be seen from a long distance.
GAME: DOBBLE. Choose a partner and practice the VOCABULARY together.
“Night at the Funfair”, de la Colección READERS de Kids&Us. Este libro está lleno de vampiros, brujas, magos y actividades que podemos realizar durante esta fiesta de Halloween. Es adecuado para niños de 10 a 12 años.
“Halloween: 17 Fun and Spooky Short Stories for Kids”, de Pam Powers. Encontraréis un recopilatorio de historias espeluznantes a través de las cuales conoceréis a un zombi de medianoche, os haréis amigos de un monstruo y descubriréis lo que se siente al ser una bruja.
“Halloween Stories: Spooky Halloween Stories for Kids”, de Uncle Amon. Este libro está especialmente indicado para primeros lectores y pensado para leer en voz alta. Uncle Amon ha escrito varios volúmenes de esta serie de historias de miedo para niños y niñas, así que el repertorio es prácticamente inagotable.
“Halloween Stories: Spooky Short Stories for Kids, Jokes, and Coloring Book! Volume 3”, de Arnie Lightning. Este libro, además de incluir 5 cuentos de miedo, contiene un montón de actividades relacionadas con Halloween para que vuestras hijas e hijos disfruten de la fiesta durante toda la semana. Al igual que el libro anterior, esta colección está compuesta por más volúmenes, ¡para que no se os acaben los recursos!
“The Story Club for Kids: Ghost Stories for Halloween”, de Susannah de Fere. Este volumen recoge cuentos de Halloween para niños con la característica particular de que están escritos precisamente por niños.
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